Standing at ~12k feet prior to my summit bid of Mount Rainier

Each year, I like to set really big goals that motivate me to get out of bed each morning and create a memorable year.

Jesse Itzler refers to this practice as the “Misogi” – You pick 1 year defining goal each year that is so big, it makes the other 364 days of the year better. It should be something memorable that will create a lasting memory for the rest of your life.

This is something I have lived by for the past 7 years – I have successfully climbed some of the more notable mountains in the USA (Mount Rainier, Mount Shuksan, Mount Shasta, Grand Teton) and also ran my first 50 mile Ultramarathon in 2023.

On top of this – I was able to launch a Airbnb business in 2022 and am working on an additional side hustle in 2023.

If you have ambitious goals, the hardest part is balancing the quest for the goal while trying to tackle obstacles in your life. For me – This includes a highly demanding job, financial interests outside of work, physical/mental health, and family life.

Is it possible to set huge physical goals and also be successful in the other buckets of your life (Family, Financial, Fun)?

I’m here to say the answer is undoubtedly yes – IF you are strategic about your planning, serious about daily accountability, and develop your time management skills.

In this article, I explore the Top 5 ways I stay accountable and why hiring a dedicated accountability coach has been a game changer for me.

The Top 5 Ways I Hold Myself Accountable & Achieve Huge Goals

Number 1: Set Unrealistic Goals that Motivate Me

Crossing the finish line of my first 50 Mile Ultramarathon

Another major learning I have had from Jesse Itzlier is the idea of “Unrealistic Thinking” and setting unrealistic goals.

It varies person to person, but setting super realistic goals are NOT a major motivator to me. I need something that is going to push me out of my comfort zone and to get things done.

I first learned this when I decided to climb Mount Rainier without any clear plan on how to get there. At the time I was 25 pounds overweight with poor physical fitness and zero mountaineering skills.

Rather than slowly building up and moving forward to Mount Rainier over the course of years, I signed up for the climb and knew I could figure the rest out later.

Was this reckless? I would argue no – I spent hundreds of hours over the course of the next 6 months putting together an action plan preparing for the climb. If I hadn’t already paid for the trip and committed to my climbing buddy, I likely would have quit along the way.

I followed this exact same playbook when I signed up for my first 50 Mile Ultramarathon. I committed to an unrealistic goal, knowing I could figure the details out later.

The lesson here is to drop the idea of being realistic and instead focus on setting the biggest goals that your mind can comprehend. This will naturally push you into the first step of taking action and lead to your success.

Setting unrealistic goals will help you get to the next level and reach achievements that were previously not even in your wildest dreams.

Number 2: Hire or Find a Accountability Coach (Commit Action, Friends/Family, etc)

In 2022, I made the decision to join the accountability coaching program Commit Action. This proved to be a major “cheat code” in my life and has consistently helped me achieve my personal goals.

Previous to this, I had never had an “Accountability Buddy” or anyone external to hold myself accountable to.

I would highly recommend anyone with ambitious long term goals to find a accountability partner (friends, etc) or hire a trained accountability coach.

Previous to Commit Action, I was great at setting big goals..But not so great at being focused and following through. I would quite often lose focus and naturally give up after a few months.

Commit Action is a program built on the foundation of behavioral psychology and pairs you with a accountability coach who’s sole job is to be your accountability partner.

Within the Commit Action program, you set huge goals at the start of the year and work backwards with your Commit Action coach to find the key actions you should be taking each week to nearly guarantee success.

For me – I set the goal in 2022 to run a 50 Mile Ultramarathon, purchase my first piece of Real Estate, and launch a side hustle.

I met with my coach at Commit Action weekly throughout the year to put together a plan, get clarity on the direction I was heading, and receive constructive feedback.

Ultimately I was able to accomplish all 3 of my goals in 2022, partly due to the conversations I had with my excellent coach at Commit Action.

The ritual of Commit Action is actually quite simple and looks something like:

  • Set aggressive goals at the beginning of the year after going through the Commit Action “Headstart” program
  • Break the aggressive annual goals down into quarterly milestones, setting specific goals for the next 90 days
  • At weekly the Check Ins, set 3x Committed Actions for the week which highlight the critical to dos that connect to the bigger picture
  • Review the previous week and see if there were any missed deadlines over the past week.

While the process of Commit Action is actually quite simple, I find being accountable to a accountability coach to be super powerful. This helps me overcome procrastination, avoid negative thought patterns, and also work through my limiting beliefs.

To find out more about Commit Action, check out the link below.

Number 3: Hire a Coach Related to the Goal

As crazy as it sounds, I also will hire a coach who is dedicated to the goal I am pursuing and has previously been successful in the space.

Yes – I have a accountability coach through Commit Action and a second coach who specializes in the goal I am going after.

To me, the perfect coach is someone who has already completed my goal and can teach me how to get there. This eliminates months or even years of wasted time and helps me fast track to my goal.

When I went from zero running experience to finishing a 50 Mile Ultramarathon, I hired one of the top female Ultrarunners in the United States as a coach.

She was able to immediately point me in the right direction in terms of training, gear, nutrition, and overall strategy. Any time I had a question regarding Ultrarunning, she was able to give me the answer I needed to hear in order to see progress and be successful.

The best part is, I was paying her a super low fee – All I did was send her a DM on instagram asking for help and she agreed to be my coach for very fair amount of money.

If you are setting big goals, find someone who has done it successfully before you and see if they are willing to spend time coaching you.

Number 4: Identify Top Tasks for the Week

When it comes to achieving unrealistic goals, you must have a proven strategy and keep incredible focus throughout the process.

Let’s face it – life always seems to get in the way when you are going after something big. Not to mention it is easy to jump from one idea to another through shiny object syndrome.

After 18 months of using Commit Action, it is now engrained in my brain to spend Sunday identifying the top 3 actions I need to get done to make progress towards my goal.

Not 50, not 25….The key is to identify just 3 things that you can accomplish in the upcoming week that are needle movers towards the goal.

You can do this on your on or through an accountability coaching program, it honestly does not matter.

The key is to reduce the external noise and stay focused on what matters.

Just pick out the top 3 actions you need to do this week, schedule them, and then execute.

Number 5: Use “Daily Wins” Process to Plan out my Days

The last piece of my accountability system is called “Daily Wins”, which is something I put together after hearing Andy Frisella reference his “Power List”.

For me, I create a note in my iPhone called “Daily Wins” and every night before bed I identify:

  • Top 5: The Top 5 most important actions I need to take the next day. These are needle movers towards my larger goal for the week (or the Committed Actions from Commit Action).
  • Tactical Work/Personal Tasks (Not Top 5): Laundry list of random things I need to do the next day, but are not the top priority (not in my Top 5).

Spending the night before identifying the top tasks to complete the next day is super powerful. Rather than reaction to whatever life throws at you, you have a pre-defined script of what needs to get done.

The simplicity is also key – There are only 5 things you need to do the next day and it was a win. Everything else is secondary, just get those 5 things done.

I hold myself accountable to this and is something I do every day of the week.


If you have super ambitious goals, you need to spend time putting together a system that will help you stay focused and committed to the goal.

For me – I have found accountability coaching as a secret weapon, specifically through Commit Action.

While I am a super disciplined person by nature, it is amazingly powerful to have a coach that has experience holding clients accountable.

The formula that has worked for me is simply:

  • Set really big & unrealistic goals
  • Hire an accountability coach with Commit Action
  • Hire a specific coach for the goal that has done it before
  • Plan out your days strategically

This framework has been super successful to me, so I recommend giving it a shot!

FAQ on Accountability Coaching

Is Commit Action Worth It?

My complete review of Commit Action after using it for 18 months can be found here.

The short answer – I have been able to achieve some goals I previously that were impossible for me (50 Mile Ultramarathon, Climbing Mount Rainier, etc) all while working a highly demanding corporate job and maintaining a happy personal life.

Commit Action uses proven strategies and offers access to some of the best accountability coaches available.

Kevin’s Take:

I plan on using Commit Action for the long term and highly recommend this product for anyone looking to take the next step in achieving big goals!

Commit Action is a fantastic option for anyone looking to improve their productivity in either their personal or business lives. The system has helped me break down huge goals into small actionable steps that have led me to success and also provided a coach who checks in on my progress multiple times per week

I consider Commit Action to be almost a “Secret Weapon” of mine and it has helped me run a 50 miler from zero and build an Airbnb business in the past year. The monthly price does seem high up front, but the overall return on investment has far exceeded the expense for me.

5 out of 5
What?1×1 Accountability Coaching
Best For?Personal & Business Goals
Price? Check Link for Current Pricing

What is a Typical Commit Action Call Like with your Accountability Coach?

What Does a Accountability Coach Do?

An accountability coach helps individuals stay on track and achieve their goals. They do this by providing support, motivation, and accountability. Accountability coaches work with clients to set goals, create action plans, and track progress. They also provide encouragement and support when clients face challenges.

Accountability coaches can help clients in a variety of areas, including:

  • Personal development: Accountability coaches can help clients set and achieve goals related to personal development, such as losing weight, getting in shape, or learning a new skill.
  • Career development: Accountability coaches can help clients set and achieve goals related to career development, such as getting a promotion, starting their own business, or changing careers.
  • Business development: Accountability coaches can help business owners set and achieve goals related to business development, such as increasing sales, expanding their product line, or entering new markets.

Accountability coaches typically work with clients on a one-on-one basis, but they may also work with groups of clients. The frequency of coaching sessions varies depending on the needs of the client and the coach. Some coaches meet with clients weekly, while others meet less often.

Accountability coaches use a variety of techniques to help clients stay on track and achieve their goals. These techniques may include:

  • Goal setting: Accountability coaches help clients set SMART goals, which are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.
  • Action planning: Accountability coaches help clients create action plans that outline the steps they need to take to achieve their goals.
  • Progress tracking: Accountability coaches help clients track their progress towards their goals. This helps clients stay motivated and on track.
  • Motivation: Accountability coaches provide motivation and encouragement to help clients stay on track.
  • Support: Accountability coaches provide support to help clients overcome challenges and setbacks.

Accountability coaches can be a valuable resource for individuals who are looking to achieve their goals. They can provide support, motivation, and accountability, which can help clients stay on track and reach their full potential.

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